
A typical representative of the knotting and weaving center located outside the municipality of Döşemealtı in Antalya Province in the south of Anatolia. The original kilim sections at the top and bottom of the rug are especially attractive.

Published: Posth/Collected beauty, plate 20, p. 56;
Comparable pieces: Schürmann, U. (1), Fig. on the front cover and p. 91 = Turkish Handwoven Carpets, Cat. 2, THC Pattern Catalog 0137 MacDonald, B. W., Color plate 32, p. 65 Meschoulam, E. M., p. 27 Eiland, M. L., Plate 16b Turkish Handwoven Carpets, Cat. 1, THC Pattern Code 0071

Year: 19th century
Size: 180 x 137 cm
Origin: Antalya
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